Alessandra Ciccariello is ALE. Twenty-year-old Neapolitan singer-songwriter, she lives in Portici (NA). She writes songs that are born between the sounds of her guitar, which she has been playing since she was 12, the type beats of YouTube and Garage Band.

Her songs absorb the sounds of her land and are transformed into contemporary music that starts from Naples and speaks to the entire peninsula, mixing urban with pop. The dream of living off music began in 2020 while she was in the queue for the X Factor auditions, which took her to the final stages of the selection and saw her song “LV” exceed 600 thousand streams on Spotify, as did “2minuti” which the following year she presented within the Amici di Maria De Filippi program.

In 2022 she signed with Latarma Records and BMG Italia and released with them the singles “PEZZO LATINO”, with which she shows us the most carefree and fresh side of her, “PAR NU SUONN”, in which she brings out the most sensitive.

In April this year she returns with “ICONA”, a pressing and overwhelming single dedicated to her Naples and the legendary figure of Maradona and later on she released “Par nu suonn”.